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1. should add prone, reload while sprinting , parcore and destruction like bf3. - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Regis Mark V wrote: Prone should be in every FPS. They had it in the original Unreal. It was called "feign death". It sucked. :P
- by Skunk Shampoo - at 2012.08.28 07:07:00
2. Mouse + Navigator - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Yeah, I was thinking about this. It really limits the number of buttons you have access to... But if someone has something like a 7 button mouse, it might work.
- by Skunk Shampoo - at 2012.08.22 20:59:00
3. [Request} Open Mic= Larger target - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
I don't think having the mic on is a problem, so long as we aren't picking up all the background noise in someone's house. Me, I like push to talk. Currently, I fumble for my mute button on my headset every time I want to talk. This is a big impr...
- by Skunk Shampoo - at 2012.08.19 22:39:00
4. KBM vs DS3 - Balance - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
I thought the mouse/keyboard controlled brilliantly, all issues aside. Of course there is the annoyance of having to pick up and drag my mouse so much just to turn around. It isn't too bad, though I havent tried the heavy armor yet... In turrets ...
- by Skunk Shampoo - at 2012.08.18 00:29:00
5. [Request} Open Mic= Larger target - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
We need an indicator on the HUD to show who is talking. I always mute my mic because I'm paranoid that I might be broadcastsing noise. I have never seen any evidence that I have a bad mic, but you know there's those guys out there. Their headset i...
- by Skunk Shampoo - at 2012.08.17 22:16:00
6. To you Gimmick players - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Honestly, if using certain tactics are not the "correct" way to play... Then what's the fuss if it gets nerfed? ;) Besides, how can CCP find the right balance unless players push the limits and reveal everything that can be exploited? I have no i...
- by Skunk Shampoo - at 2012.07.09 14:35:00
7. Request: REMOVE the Move-usage warning! - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
If the move screen is mandatory, I'd at least think it should be ok to skip past it quickly with a button press. Perhaps the "X" button on a Dualshock 3... But not if you are on move. You are getting your warning screen :P. But hey, wouldn't it m...
- by Skunk Shampoo - at 2012.07.07 07:49:00
8. I BEG YOU. PLEASE... - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Deacyde Widowtaker wrote: And knowing is half the battle - GI JOE! Ha! One of my favorite quotes. +1 to you, sir.
- by Skunk Shampoo - at 2012.07.07 07:30:00
9. [Request] Animal Weapons - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Renzo Kuken wrote: is it just me or did you guys picture using a snake as a whip or a lizard sa an AV grenade??? What sprung to my mind was chucking rabbits at people... Or maybe grab a deer by the hooves and spin it around at a spawn poin...
- by Skunk Shampoo - at 2012.07.07 07:26:00
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